This is the drawing that started it all. In 2019 my friend’s dog Maggie passed away. I wanted a way to comfort and show my friends I cared about the passing of Maggie. My very first thought was to save up money to get them a new puppy. I began to pray about that, and God over the next few days gave me the idea to draw a picture of Maggie for them. I hadn’t drawn in a very long time, so I wasn’t sure I could even do it, or do it well. I have always drawn, but I never showed my drawing to anyone ever. I could probably count on one hand how many drawing I have done since high school, and I graduated over 20 yrs ago. I knew the idea had to be from God, because I was set on saving money for a puppy, so I trusted God bought some supplies and started to draw.
This was the original of Maggie that my friend’s daughter sent me, so I had a reference.