Can you believe how a color pencil picture starts. Looks a little like a child’s coloring. Photo Realistic color pencil drawing is all about the layers. So if you are trying to draw with colored pencil and your not achieving the look you want maybe you are trying to fill the space too quickly. Draw lightly and take your time. You will be so much happier with your results.
I use tracing paper as the guard between my drawings and my hand. This way I can see my picture and protect it from smudging.
I also try to draw from top to bottom to prevent smudging.
A close up of the progress.
I chose orange as my base color because I wanted the final red to have some brightness to it. Also if I was to add orange over the red it would make the bird look washed out. When using colored pencil a lighter color over a dark color always makes a cool color even if both colors are warm colors. You can however use this to your advantage when you need it.
A close up of my first layer on the chest of the bird.
Even though this stick was brown it was a young stick in spring. Starting with a green helped it have that fresh twig look.
Do you see the areas where light is washing out the color of the bird on the top of the wing and the back of the head. That is accomplished just by using a lighter color than the red used for the bird. Even a warm pink will cause this cool looking tone.
All my drawings are available as prints or blank greeting cards. When my shop is up they will be available to order, until then direct contact or email is the best way to get my artwork. The original has been sold so I only have prints of this drawing available.