I really like this one a lot, I call it The Twilight Lamb. It will probably be my first shirt print I do on my own.

It’s very hard for us to see somone like Jesus who is gentle, gracious, forgiving, kind, and humble, at the same time being holy, just, and righteous judge. The temptation is to fulfill human desire and see him as all lamb or all lion. John in the bible tells us Jesus is the Lion of Judah and the lamb that was slaughtered. He is both a corner stone and a stumbling block. I hope this picture causes you to sit with it for a bit. I hope it produces the confusion people can feel about who Jesus is.

Jesus isn’t a lion in sheep’s clothing but The Lion and The Lamb. You have to sit with Jesus and get to know him to see that his gracious, merciful sacrafice for us and his holiness and wrath towards sin and wickedness are completely and perfectly combined. He is a holy God who wraped his holiness in meekness and humility, willing to be slaughtered for us, to cover us, protect us, and give us life with him forever.
For storm I wanted to play with the ink and positive and negative space. This was another one of my favorites. I could see it as a logo or a sticker.
This was my quickest drawing of inktober. I decided to sign my child’s cast with the days inktober prompt rocket.